A Study in Henges

Here are several images I did around a central henge image. Or possibly around a central priestess image. With one exception, the henge is the same graphic. I've used two priestess images, as seemed appropriate to me.

Drawing down the moon

I used to use this as my desktop background image. This was one of my early compositions in trueSpace. I used Poser to create the woman, then imported her into trueSpace and added a bunch of black elipsoids for her hair. I generated the background using Photoshop's cloud rendering and then used the planar tiling from Kai's Power Tools, plus some miscellaneous other effects.

Another drawing down

I used Bryce for this one. I pasted the moon from the trueSpace version (lazy) and drew the woman's hair in Photoshop. I think it was easier than creating and placing the elipsoids in trueSpace.

Yet another drawing down

I used Bryce for this one, too. I saved the Henge and the woman from the trueSpace version and imported them into Bryce.

Welcoming the Sun

This is a daytime image. (Finally!) I've used a somewhat different priestess figure from the previous images, and a different viewpoint.

Welcoming the Golden Sun

Finally, an image not dominated by blue! The Priestess is a Poser 2 figure with ellipsoids for hair. The only problem I have with these images is that the henge stones look machined. Their edges are too sharp, too precise. The stones should be rougher.