Trying to find an internet tablet

So I currently have a 17″ MacBook Pro, a Kindle 2, and an iPhone 3G. (I also have a Linux server and a Windows entertainment system, but that’s not relevant to the discussion.)

When I work, I work on the MacBook, because it’s an excellent development environment. It’s not especially portable, though, because it’s big and heavy.

So the last time I traveled, I took my Kindle and my iPhone. It was okay. I could keep up with email and news via the iPhone and read to pass time with the Kindle. But I’d kind of like a larger portable internet device than the iPhone.

The iPad barely fits in my purse and sticks up a bit, making the top flap kind of “humpy”. It does fit, though, and is an amazingly functional device.

I’m also looking into Android tablets, but I’ve got some issues with clunky apps on Android.

I’m probably not making a decision until late this year, but still… Decisions, decisions…